Category Archives: Studio

Print mags embrace online video: in-house studios emerge to compete


Thanks to DC Media Maker Phil Shapiro for this intriguing, trend-revealing news.

Milestone: project interviews for January


This is the first month since really diving-in to this passion project last Fall where couple interviews have occurred on a weekly basis.

It’s just been an addictive blast learning about computer techs and their sweethearts — whether through in-person conversations on camera or via phone. So much as been learned on the technical side too e.g. making folks feel more at ease and being a better listener; camera angles; lighting; blessed audio!

Next up:
really focusing on organizing emerging patterns and traits from interviews
interviewing two cool couples this weekend.
catching-up on tech blog reading!

Thanks to DC Web Women: acting as an extra in local film ‘Last Winter’

do all my own stunts

The lights!

The camera!

The action!

And yes the director used words like ‘rehearse it twice, then go!’ and ‘quiet for take 2, scene 43!’.

A DCWW member posted a call-for-extras notice to the list serve; she’s a friend of the producer for Last Winter, a current production being filmed in DC.

A few of us were asked to drink champagne in a New Years Eve scene and silently mouth conversation (…director suggested whispering the word ‘watermelon’ as it makes the mouth look like it’s rhythmically speaking).

I salivated over their portable studio — a huge tripod set-up with a few boom mics, a sound unit crammed in the apartment’s kitchen (a temporary set for this particular scene), and round, white lighting sheaths on fish pole like fixtures.

It was a thrill observing the set, the actors made or missed their lines, & the producer in the background trying to feed us extras.

A Hong Kong Santa delivers surprise condenser mic!

Santa’s elves are workin’ overtime!


My husband just picked-up mail before coming home and walked in with a mysterious shipment from Hong Kong, addressed to the Jill of the house. With a raised brow I asked ” What the %&*(@ ! ”

And the sorry sneak said “It ain’t from me but I know what it is.”

Out popped a gorgeous electret HTDZ 320A condenser mic perfectly compatible with the Panasonic. I’m out of breath with surprise & glee!

But Santa? Hello Santa? Who helped you make this delivery?

Who, who deserves my kiss of thanks?

Whoever you are, your surprise has made its beautiful mark.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Video/indie film: creating your studio

I love learning indie film tech & system compatibility; more & more folks ask for equipment insights. I’ve broken (yikes) plenty of cameras but am currently having good fortune with Panasonic’s PVGS-180.

Since my knowledge fund is still forming on said tech, I like referring folks to more informed bloggers on equipment comparisons like Andy Coon, a Final Cut advocate & filmmaker in Greensboro.

These lighting kits per last week’s Gov’t Video & Technology Expo offer decent bang-for-the-buckeroo; having one of these intermediate kits is an eventual goal.

…reading iCreate Magazine for the non-Net reader experience is a good reference too for Apple folks.

Apple customer service *not* the apple-of-my-eye

In between meetings today I called two different Apple customer support lines with a general question. Neither department knew the answer (one support member transferred me to sales who then wanted to transfer me elsewhere).

And the second customer/sales agent said I needed my computer’s serial number to avoid being charged for the call. Yikes(!) + odd(!).

I just cut a 7-minute short & needed to burn two dvd discs on Mac’s intel core duo machine. The question was thus:

Which dvd format e.g. plus or minus is most conducive to this type of Mac?

Time was pinched so at the office supply store I bought both formats. After reading more later, I learned the system should accept both types.

This was the first time to utilize Apple’s customer support teams (non-web). Ugh.

What’s been your experience?